
Rhythm doctor cracked
Rhythm doctor cracked

rhythm doctor cracked

If there is lower back pain and weakness of the knees due to deficiency of the Kidney- Yin, add BL-23, the Back Transporting point of the Kidney, and BL-58, the Connecting point of the Bladder channel, to tonify the Kidney, harmonise the collateral and sedate the lower back pain 2. HT-3 Shaohai, HT-8 Shaofu, PC-8 Laogong, ST Daying and ST-6 Jiache, etc. ST-4 and CV-24, the local points, circulate the Qi and Blood in the area and harmonise the collateral to arrest the lip pain. SP-6, the crossing point for the three Yin channels of the foot, nourishes the Yin in general and tonifies the Kidney. Also, KI-10 is the Water point of the Kidney channel, being able to nourish the Yin directly and promote the secretion of Body Fluids in the Kidney. KI-3 and KI-10, the Source point and the Sea point of the Kidney channel respectively, are applied to tonify the Kidney and regulate its physiological function so as to treat Kidney deficiency. KI-7, the Metal point of the kidney channel, promotes the secretion of the Body Fluids in the Kidney channel and nourishes the Kidney-Yin so as to control the Deficient-Fire. KI-2 and SP-2, the Spring points of the Kidney channel and Spleen respectively, clear the Deficient-Heat and reduce the Deficient-Fire. Thus some points from the Kidney and Spleen channels are applied. The mouth and lips are the opening orifices of the Spleen, and the Kidney-Yin is the root Yin of the body. Reinforcing method is employed on KI-3, KI-7, KI-10 and SP-6. KI-2 Rangu, KI-3 Taixi, KI-7 Fuliu, KI-10 Yingu, SP-2 Dadu, SP-6 Sanyinjiao, CV-24 Chengjiang and ST-4 Dicang.Įven method is used on KI-2, CV-24, ST-4 and SP-2. Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan Anemarrhena, Phellodendron and Rehmannia Pill. If there is constipation, add Da Huang Radix et Rhizoma Rhei 10g to promote the defecation and relieve the constipation. If there is restlessness, add Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5g to clear the Heat in the Heart and calm the Shen 5. If there is night sweating, add Mu Li Concha Ostreae 20g to stop the night sweating 4. If there is insomnia, add Suan Zao Ren Semen Ziziphi Spinosae 10g and Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae 10g to calm the Heart and tranquillise the Mind 3. If the lips are cracked, add Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae 10g to nourish the Yin and promote the secretion of Body Fluids so as to lubricate the lips 2. ZUO GUI WAN has the strongest effect of these three formulas. These three formulas are based upon LIU WEI DI HUANG WAN, which is specifically indicated in deficiency of Yin with hyperactivity of Deficient Fire. Zhi bai di huang wanĪnemarrhena, Phellodendron, and Rehmanniae Pill. Herbal Treatment Prescription Zuo gui yin

Rhythm doctor cracked